
Entrepreneur questions help please?

i would like to become an entrepreneur and i was just wondering what would be good item to sell to the customers i would like to hear your ideas so i can become a sucessful entrepreneur because i look forward to run my own store soon.

Suppose you are an entrepreneur and want to start a new business but you actually don’t know.see the detail

Suppose you are an entrepreneur and want to start a new business but you actually don’t know from where to start, what will be your new product and what will be its position in market. You don’t even know that will it be acceptable in market or not. For this, you want some ideas to produce a product which is attractive for consumers. From where will you get some general ideas for new product development?

Can an entrepreneur be considered as a talent or talented?

This is a strange question I know, however I got into a debate with my friend who said that talent only describes those who are good at performing arts(acting, dancing, singing, comedy), and writing, painting etc… What about entreprenuers, only few business people ever become so rich, famous, and well respect for their accomplishments(Bill Gates, Richard Branson…etc.)