
What is the impact of moral entrepreneurs on your perception of family?

Moral entrepreneurs do what it takes to bring morality to places where it hasn’t been before, embrace new responsibilities, making them their own, and persuade their peers to do likewise, expand conscience, the fundamental prerequisite for concern, commitment, and action. The mission of the moral entrepreneur is not to create a new tax-exempt organization. It is to inspire others to engage deeply in community causes and to do so in a way that leverages their unique strengths.

i have this project. i have to be an entrepreneur, and invent or modify something?

i have this project. i have to be an entrepreneur, and invent or modify something. and all i can use is a poster board. i can draw on it, or even make something out of it. what are some good ideas.

Can you give at least 10 communication tools of an entrepreneur in the business?

Can you give at least 10 communicating tools of an entrepreneur in the business
give me at least ten communicating tools that mostly use in business and give its function to the business