Will someone define the word “entrepreneurship” in one sentence, and not the word “entrepreneur”?

This is for a school essay, thanks.

One Response to Will someone define the word “entrepreneurship” in one sentence, and not the word “entrepreneur”?

  1. MSC says:

    Entrepreneurship is “the process of looking at things in such a way that possible solutions to problems and perceived needs may evolve in venturing.”

    There are some other definitions… Take your pick.

    Entrepreneurship is the practice of starting new organizations, particularly new businesses generally in response to identified opportunities.

    Entrepreneurship is defined as self-employment of any sort

    Entrepreneurship is often viewed as a function which involves the exploitation of opportunities which exist within a market

    An early definition of entrepreneurship, dating from the eighteenth century, used it as an economic term describing the process of bearing the risk of buying at certain prices and selling at uncertain prices.

    A commonly accepted description of entrepreneurship is a process of identifying, evaluating, seizing an opportunity and bringing together the resources necessary for success.

    Entrepreneurship is the pursuit of a discontinuous opportunity involving the creation of an organization (or sub-organization) with the expectation of value creation to the participants.


    And a host of others. So as you can see there is no real accepted definition of entrepreneurship