Yeah, I want to make a lot of money + be successful. It will take 7 years for me to become a lawyer (I’ll be 25 years old by then, which is too long for me) and idk the number of years of studying for an entrepreneur (someone tell me please). If I’m an entrepreneur I’ll own a some hookah bars (good setups) and some stores/markets.
So which is more successful? Or should I be a lawyer AND own a few stores at the same time?
5 Responses to Which career makes more money! Lawyer or Entrepreneur?
There is no accurate answer to your question.
Most lawyers do fairly well financially.
Most entrepreneurs fail. However, if you are hard working and have a good business you can make far more money than a lawyer. It just takes smarts, luck and timing.
Simplest answer is to become good at something and then go into business for yourself doing it.
I am an entrepreneur in that I own my own computer consulting company but I worked for several other companies before I started my own business.
I cant tell you enough times that you won’t end up truly happy if you persue a career for the money. It is true that you cannot realize this until you have experienced it, but if you take anything away it should be that you keep this in your mind. Remeber that physical happiness is tranistory and lasts minutes, days or possibly a few years at a time, but when you serve others you will reap the benefits forever, and that my friend will make you happy.
An entrepeneur starts their own business from scratch. It’s risky because you have to take out hundreds of thousands to millions in loans just to get started, and before that you must prove to your lenders that you are a safe investment. You could fail to get the money or even worse fail after you get the money and lose everything. Being a lawyer is safe, and you make a crapload of money if you’re good. I’d say you should be a lawyer and wait until you’ve developed a good credit base before starting a business. On the other hand, at least interest rates are low right now
Lawyers get paid win or lose.
You can start a business right away, but making money can be tricky.
Statistically you will be unsuccessful at either.
It depends:
Lawyer: yes you can make a lot of money but you must good and work your way up ( that might take 10-20 years )
Entrepenuer: I am one myself and I pull in a decent income. But you have to be good!!
Personally: I would be a Entrepenuer, but what I suggest is to be a investor
Good Luck!!