which are you inclined to choose – to be an entrepreneur or corporate executive?

Given the comparative perspectives in terms of functions and the attendant challenges, responsibilities and rewards, which are you inclined to choose – to be an entrepreneur or corporate executive?

3 Responses to which are you inclined to choose – to be an entrepreneur or corporate executive?

  1. emland says:

    Entrepreneur. I can’t stand the corporate world. I’m too independent.

  2. heyteach says:

    If I were healthy enough to do either job, I’d rather be an entrepreneur. Less politics, less BS, and the chance to get a lot more folks employed who either are not or don’t have a particulary desirable job now.

  3. MarsBar says:

    Entrepreneur…I prefer freedom. Also, I have always asked questions…I’m very curious about life and I think that lends itself to entrepreneurship.