What job, Entrepreneur or Airline pilot?

Which job would have a better chance at making 100-200k per year. Also which one would be the easiest to achieve? What are the ups and downs of each job, and what path would I have to take to do either of them?

2 Responses to What job, Entrepreneur or Airline pilot?

  1. Rob says:

    I honestly have no idea about being an Entrepreneur. However, my dad is an airline pilot so I might be able to give you some details on that. First of all, now is not necessarily a good time for the airline businesses (especially since 9/11). Alot of people seem to be unaware of this fact except people with family members in the airline business. Some of the problems with the airlines:
    -Management takes huge bonuses for themselves.
    -Pilots, flight attendants, etc. have been taking pay cuts for the past few years.
    -The price of oil has, as we all know, skyrocketed over the past years. To make up for the cost = pay cuts in some instances. In other instances it may just mean charging money for earphones and food on the planes.
    -The job of airline pilot is simply not as “glamourous” as it used to be.
    -It takes a LONG time to move up and finally get Captain’s pay (which, I think is what you were asking about). The airlines use a seniority system, so basically you start from the bottom and move up, and slowly.
    -However, it depends on which company you want to work for. My dad works for American Airlines, but there are companies that have been doing better like FedEx, so look into that.

    I’m not sure how easy it is to achieve though. My dad was in the airforce before he went on to commercial flying, but obviously you wouldn’t have to do that.

  2. edingsteve says:

    Look, I am 24 years old and I will tell you this: Go for what you are best at? Do not worry about the money unless you really love to make some dough and have a little business plan always popping in your head when you sleep. Go for what excite you and where you are the ABSOLUTE BEST AT. I love international Business, I am great with languages and I speak 4 of them. I love travelling, discovering new culture and make some money at the same time. I want to teach International economics and International Business. That’s my passion along with sports. So, if you are the best cook, you will probably become the greatest chef and make tons of loo. If you are a mediocre pilot, you probably gonna kill yourself along with hundred of people. You see my point! Nothing is certain, but you want to wake up every morning excited to go to work like Kobe Bryant, Barry bonds, Bill Gates, Oprah, Jamie Foxx, Barrack Obama or the chef of the town best restaurant. Check yourself and choose what excite you, aightttttttttt.