What do i need to be an entrepreneur?

i want to pursue small scale entreprenuership on meat shops, rice dealership in our community

3 Responses to What do i need to be an entrepreneur?

  1. Michael K says:

    determination, good judgement, hard work, brains, and capital. a little luck doesn’t hurt.

  2. Clemensa_q2 says:

    You have to be passionate about what you are doing, and be prepared to put in a lot of hard work, normally for small returns in the short-term.

    Excellent organistaion. Dedication and good self-motivation.
    You need to be able to see where opportunities are and not be afraid to seize them.

  3. BevD says:

    Know and understand “The Secret” for becoming successful in whatever you do. You can find this DVD at It’s an incredible DVD that will allow you to learn how to better yourself in your thinking, behavior, what you say and how you say it and the “law” (the secret). It’s guaranteed to change your life! It sure changed mine!
    I have my own entreprenuership as well and the secret has really helped me. It’s worth looking into!
    Good luck