Richard Branson was always i believe the entrepreneur?

or the modern world but it seems he is going the way they all go when they become fabulously rich with Northern Rock affair and the arrangement with BA does him no favours so i and thousand of others might have a change of thought about him

6 Responses to Richard Branson was always i believe the entrepreneur?

  1. The Instigator says:

    That makes a lot of sense. You make a lot of sense. Have you ever considered running for public office?

  2. ISABELE B says:

    always was a weird person ..getting worse now he is friendly with gordon brown .!!!!!!!!!!

  3. federale says:

    And your question is?

  4. djave djarvoo says:

    Richard Branson has always been a well respected business man…and i dont think he will change for the worse…

  5. christophernormancheetham says:

    It wouldn’t surprise me, with the money he’s got, that he doesn’t start a Formula One team up, or buy a football club.

  6. Ollie says:

    Richard Branson has gone the same way the rest of them.
    Anyone who deals with a barbaric country like China have nothing but blood on there hands.