Liam Young entrepreneur and LoveBites and Bruises?

I read on loads of Myspace bulletins about them being connected (through business or modelling?)- can someone tell me more?

2 Responses to Liam Young entrepreneur and LoveBites and Bruises?

  1. ?925theoutlaw? says:

    I think I have seen that too, but all I could tell you is what was posted in the bulletin. I have tried searching for more information about them, but nothin yet =(

    Good Luck!

  2. Liam Young says:

    This is a really funny story … Lovebitesandbruises is also run by a young entrepreneur , they used to host their website with OxyUK and had problems with the owner. anyway i’m not sure whether it’s jealousy of whatever but when they heard Liam got into the house they revealed that he only hosted another 100 companies (he sent them an email informating them of this when they threatened to report him to trading standards). He also makes barely any money.