Being that you do not come up with a concept yourself, do not construct a marketing plan yourself (other than who to talk to), you are taught to pretend you are successful to recruit people before you actually are successful (successful MLMer, what an oxymoron!), and your approach contains nothing entrepreneurial other than being self employed, would you say that MLM is a killer of entrepreneurial spirits?
One of the chief tragedies of MLM is that it blunts the entrepreneurial energies that might be otherwise profitably channeled. It leaves a wake of failures behind who might otherwise have been successful business starters. For shame!
3 Responses to DO you believe MLM is an entrepreneur’s dream or does it kill the entrepreneurial spirit?
Most MLM I have found is designed so that the people at the top only win. I found a company that pays everyone and the money you can make depends on helping everyone and it does not matter when you start. In most cases it is a killer.
I’m not sure if you are really asking a question or just preaching against MLMs. My opinion would be every entrepreneur should get involved in a “good” MLM (there’s alot of bad ones out there) and take advantage of the training. A real entrepreneur will feel “limited” in a MLM because you have to do it “their way” and innovation is discouraged but to learn the systems and the methods of running a business and to get paid a little while learning in my book that’s well worth it!
Nope! You’re wrong.