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Entrepreneur Business Insights Home / Uncategorized / Which US presidential candidate would make a good entrepreneur if they were not rich and famous already?
Which US presidential candidate would make a good entrepreneur if they were not rich and famous already?
January 25th, 2009by
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Barrack would continue to make a good corrupt lawyer with his client and friend Tony Rezko, even if he goes to jail Barrack would continue to make lots of money off his type of criminal and continue to get paid in some form by them. Hillary would continue to get lobbyist money from China and other foreign countries just like Bill Clinton’s “speaches” and presidential library donations from people he calls on congress to support. McCain hates lobbyists and earmarks and couldn’t make a living in the Lobbyist or corrupt politically oriented private sector that tries to influence laws. He’s too direct and wouldn’t do something scummy he doesn’t believe in like Obama or any Clinton. He would have a great chance at a truely private business venture though he’s not going to start something like this up at his age. He’ll just retire with dignity or continue to fight in the Senate until his last breath.
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2 Responses to Which US presidential candidate would make a good entrepreneur if they were not rich and famous already?
Barrack would continue to make a good corrupt lawyer with his client and friend Tony Rezko, even if he goes to jail Barrack would continue to make lots of money off his type of criminal and continue to get paid in some form by them. Hillary would continue to get lobbyist money from China and other foreign countries just like Bill Clinton’s “speaches” and presidential library donations from people he calls on congress to support. McCain hates lobbyists and earmarks and couldn’t make a living in the Lobbyist or corrupt politically oriented private sector that tries to influence laws. He’s too direct and wouldn’t do something scummy he doesn’t believe in like Obama or any Clinton. He would have a great chance at a truely private business venture though he’s not going to start something like this up at his age. He’ll just retire with dignity or continue to fight in the Senate until his last breath.
Mitt Romney. Oh wait…he already is a good entrepreneur!