If you are still considering the possibility of going into business for yourself, stop thinking about it and JUST DO IT. A recent article on Money Magazine here reveals an example of a person who waited till they have little or no choice (like getting laid off) before venturing out successfully on his own.
Waiting for the perfect time is a mistake and should be avoided. Why must you wait till something drastic happens to your financial security before taking action? What difference will it make to you if you were to start today? Where would you be RIGHT NOW if you had started 5 years ago?
Interestingly, the study found “self-employed substantially more satisfied than people who labor for someone else, even if the self-employed work more and earn less.”
What’s holding you back? Is it the dreaded word… Fear? FEAR simply means False Expectations Appearing Real. Face your fears and get started today! If you don’t know where to start, get one of our select guides and it’ll give you ideas on what to do. Browse our selection of money making reports here.