I’m planning to be an entrepreneur, I’ll be getting an MBA, should I get a JD so I know the law or.

is getting a JD too much work and money, when I don’t plan on being a practicing lawyer.

I just figure it would be a good thing for an entreprenur to know the law first hand, and be able to deal with my own legal issues should any arise.

What do you think?

4 Responses to I’m planning to be an entrepreneur, I’ll be getting an MBA, should I get a JD so I know the law or.

  1. ryan c says:

    I think that you should have just tried to be an entrepreneur instead of going to so much school. Some of the richest people in the world never went to advanced schools, IE Bill Gates. Donald Trump. You probably have school dept and as a result will be forced to get a job…….in reality you are a perfect product of the American “consumer nation”.

  2. old lady says:

    I think you will learn some of that in the course of getting your MBA but it isn’t really useful to do the JD as well. Lawyers practise in a certain jursidiction, as doctors do, and if you cross state lines, you have to requalify in the new state. So it would make more sense to establish yourself in business first, and then think about the JD. You might find that the time you have to spend doing the course work, and looking after your own legal issues, is going to cost you more than having a lawyer on staff or on a retainer, leaving you free to grow your business.

  3. Lisa says:

    MBA should suffice, unless you want to really know your legal rights. I would start with the MBA and see if you can do it without the JD. Lawschool is very time consuming and getting more and more competative and expensive $$$!

  4. heartintennessee says:

    If you are successful enough, you can hire the best of the best attorneys at any given time. And you would need so many specialized skills for different situations, you wouldn’t be able to handle all of your own legal issues.

    The most successful people are those who play to their strengths, surround themselves with the best people and are humble enough to rely on those people to do what THEY do best.

    You go kiddo! Dream big!!!!!!