Read the paragraph below and write an explanation of how the entrepreneur in the story made use of business st

“His means of livelihood was his business partnership with me. That is, I provided him with a capital of three krans [currency]; with it he bought needles, and this was his stock-in-trade. The women of Nazareth gave him eggs in exchange for his needles and in this way he would obtain thirty or forty eggs a day: three needles per egg. Then he would sell the eggs and live on the proceeds. Since there was a daily caravan between Akka and Nazareth, he would refer to Aqa Rida each day, for more needles…He survived two years on that initial outlay of capital; and he returned thanks at all times.” Abdu’l Bahá. Memorials Of The Faithful,
Read the paragraph below and write an explanation of how the entrepreneur in the story made use of business strategies.

One Response to Read the paragraph below and write an explanation of how the entrepreneur in the story made use of business st

  1. canadamoose22 says:

    Made use of business what? I didn’t even read the whole thing but it sounds like he made one profitable trade that turned into several profitable trades.