I am a mother of 3 girls and I am looking to start a home based business. I have a degree in Business Mtg/Marketing. Most of my experience is in advertising. I have sold media and print. Although I enjoy the sales aspect my passion is in creating promotional materials. I am very good at creating PowerPoint Presentations, fliers, specification sheets, training material and mass mailings etc. I want to find a small niche area that will allow growth and prove to be lucrative. I am looking for ANY and ALL ideas. Nothing will be discounted. – Thank you!
4 Responses to A question for entrepreneur minded people who like to think outside the box?
Have you thought about starting a communications company? Work with other small business owners to help them develop marketing material.
Seems pretty obvious to me, start up a niche consultancy to small / mid-size businesses. I’ve done it for years, it doesn’t take many clients to have a nice income and control over your own time and lifestyle.
Good luck, and get in touch if you want to trade ideas – I’m in the Dallas area.
Try approaching kiosks at the malls, they need advertising material but cant afforded spending big buck. You can probably make flayers and poster for them as well as training manuals. I’ve worked at a number of kiosks in the mall and many people don’t really know how to run a business that’s why they start small. You can help them, with the set up.
probably you can start a local marketing communication company which will create theatre ads, local advertisements and teaching aids for local schools