What was the key thing that made Bill Gates a successful entrepreneur?

There is a key thing in many entrepreneurs – the ability to take calculated risks and the thirst to push further and further to be the best. But out of most entrepreneurs (such as Donald Trump or Richard Branson) who I find the most spectacular is Bill Gates. He left University yet he is the second richest man in the world. What made him great, and what personalities does it take to be a successful entrepreneur.
Did he read business books when he was young? Or he was he very determined while at school? What made him great.

Thanks for answering

4 Responses to What was the key thing that made Bill Gates a successful entrepreneur?

  1. *Cheyenne* says:

    Microsoft. Donald Trump builds homes that only the richest of the rich can afford. Everyone uses Microsoft. Every home has a computer. Almost.

  2. the_monamayfair says:

    He had a great Idea!

  3. s l says:

    hard work and determination. he did not finish his studies but all smart people are like that. take einstein for example he flunked out grade school because he is no good in math, unbelivable ain’t it.

  4. keral says:

    only luckly buy the dos program and come the personal computor era